Another recent appeal success was in Easton, Central Bristol. The project involved the conversion of a vacant commercial unit into 8 flats.
Tockington, South Gloucestershire
Thomas Atherton2023-09-23T12:37:51+00:00Planning permission was successfully granted at appeal for the construction of one new dwelling in the rear garden of an existing house thanks to Rackham Planning.
Shirehampton, Bristol
Thomas Atherton2023-09-23T12:37:22+00:00Rackham Planning successfully secured planning permission at appeal for two dwellings on a backland plot in Shirehampton following Bristol City Council’s failure to make a decision.
Maynard House
admin2023-04-28T15:30:39+00:00Planning permission granted at appeal and an award of costs made on behalf of James Taylor Homes
Brookman’s Park
admin2023-04-28T15:34:12+00:00Planning permission has been secured for 2 applications in the exclusive Brookman’s Park area of Hertfordshire following an initial negative pre-application response from the Council.
Greville Rd
admin2023-04-28T15:34:46+00:00RP secured planning permission for the demolition of the existing industrial building and erection of 5 sustainable town houses, successfully overcoming a range of issues relating to amenity and the appearance of the houses.
The Self Storage Co.
admin2023-04-28T15:35:23+00:00Rackham Planning successfully secured planning permission at appeal for a new 60,000 sq ft self storage warehouse on this landmark site on one of the main routes into North London.
The Air Balloon pub
admin2023-04-28T15:35:54+00:00Planning permission was sought to convert a well known Bristol pub in Bristol into luxury flats.
Winterhay Lane
admin2023-04-28T15:36:32+00:00Rackham Planning were instructed by the landowner (Powrmatic Ltd) to secure an outline planning permission for 72 residential dwellings and employment floorspace on this key site in a South Somerset market town.
Clifton Down Parade
admin2023-04-28T15:37:16+00:00Conversion and extension for 14 flats of former 'Kickers' nightclub building in Clifton Down, Bristol.
Atlantic House Hotel
admin2023-03-04T16:46:59+00:00Atlantic House Hotel Our Role The Atlantic House Hotel is a new hotel and restaurant in Polzeath, Cornwall.
The client had ambitious plans to demolish the old Atlantic House hotel and develop and a brand new complex including a hotel, apartments, restaurant and bar. RP was tasked with […]